Pendulum Pre Emergent Label

Erratic weed control may result if pendulum aquacap is not activated by rainfall or irrigation within 30 days. Pendulum 2g granule herbicide 20 40 lbs.

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Use pendulum as directed to.

Pendulum pre emergent label. Observe all cautlofls and limitations in this label and the labels 01 products used in combination with pendulum 33 ec industroal herbocide. Plus the power of pendulum 2g not only comes in its original formulation it is also available as pendulum aquacap herbicide an encapsulated water based formulation for easier handling mixing and cleanup. Pendulum is less expensive than other premium brands.

Maybe i wont see it this spring. Pendulum aqua cap 25 gallon. You can use a pre emergent called pendulum 33 ec which is labeled to treat johnson grass in bermuda.

Observe all cautions and limitations on this label and the labels of products used in combination with pendulum 33 ec herbicide. Please follow the product labeld for application. I used round up on it last summer.

Where to use pendulum 2g pre emergent herbicide pendulum 2g pre emergent herbicide is labeled for use in a variety of settings from ornamental landscapes to golf courses. Be more economical save money. When a weed would germinate in a treated area they contact the herbicide and both shoot and roots stop growth.

Pendulum is more cost effective than granular type pre emergents and seems to work better. Keep containers closed to avoid spills and contamination. The efficacy of pendulum aquacap will be improved if the application is followed by 12 inch of rainfall or its equivalent in sprinkler irrigation.

Weeds not listed on the pendulum aquacaplabel. Per the pendulum 33 ec label you can mix pendulum 33 ec with roundup for post emergent control. Please follow the label instructions for the area you are treating.

The use of pendulum 33 ec not con sistent with this label can result in injury to crops animals or persons. Pendulum 2g eradicates the weeds before they can do any damage to beneficial plants on residential industrial and recreational sites. Be careful with the yellow dye.

Pendulum 2 g with pendimethalin is a granulated herbicide that is an economical choice for a pre emergent coverage in turf areas and around ornamentals. Control weeds while they germinate. Achieve excellent pre emergent control of menacing weeds like crabgrass goosegrass oxalis henbit spurge and almost 40 other varieties of grassy and broadleaf pests.

I still have some crab grass the that comes up after spraying but it has resisted all pre emergent applications. Keep containers closed to avoid spills and contamination. The use 01 pendulum 33 ec industrial herbicide not consis tent with this label can result in injury to crops aoimals.

Get ahead of your weeds with pendulum aquacap pre emergent herbicide before your weeds even start.

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